Community projects

Are you looking for something custom for your community? If so, follow along.

I had that privilege of working with Mandy and Lazar for an ornament for the City of Millen.

Lazar shared with me what they wanted.  It was a scene from a mural but she wanted to add a couple things.  So I painted the depot where the chamber of commerce is housed, the passenger train that traveled trough many years ago and the coal chute.

Once I finished the watercolor, I had the image vectored.  Blue Ribbon Awards in Augusta has the capability to cut acrylic and UV print on it and that’s what we did!  We did three runs because they sold so well.

If your community is looking for custom items and art, I’d love to work with you. We can do prints, ornaments, shirts or whatever you can think of! Let’s get started!


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